Guest post written by Max White
This summer I took on way too many hard projects around the house. It was just a little bit crazy. I think that my biggest mistake was probably trying to build a deck on the back of our house by myself. That took about every free moment that I had this summer and I just now wrapped it up last weekend.
I've been in the mood for a home project that won't require too much work on my part, so I went online to look up some info on help for that kind of stuff. I found the site and after I looked through that some I decided to use them to install our new windows.
Our windows have been drafty for a few years now and we decided that we should just replace them instead of playing a higher power bill. So that's exactly what we're having done in one week. I think those extra bucks that we might save with widows that don't heat the outdoors will definitely be welcome around the holidays.